
At the data diversity lab, we believe in the importance of dialogue and collaboration to propel scientific inquiry forward. In this section, we invite you to explore our engagement in conferences, symposia, and workshops that have been instrumental in shaping our research narrative.


January 2025 Postdoc Kristen Martinet Presents at Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Conference

Kristen gave a talk covering the functionality of her R package SSARP (Species-/Speciation-Area Relationship Projector) at the SICB (Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology) conference in January 2025. more
January 2025 Honorary Member, Jhan C. Salazar Presents at SICB Conference

Jhan proudly presented his first-ever poster at a conference during SICB 2025 (the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology), showcasing his research on physiological specialization in Anolis lizards across elevations in the Andes. The poster highlighted how thermal limits drive adaptive radiation and endemism in these Andean tropical lizards. He had the opportunity to engage with attendees, answer questions, and discuss the broader implications of his work. Jhan is grateful for the insightful conversations and the chance to share his passion for understanding evolutionary patterns in these fascinating reptiles. more


Summer The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP)

Dr. Roman was a featured speaker for the 2024 NSURP cohort. The NSURP is a community-driven initiative that creates rewarding, remote summer research experiences for underrepresented minoritized undergraduate students in Microbiology, Immunology, Cancer Biology, and Biomedical Engineering. more
Spring iShowcase Tucson, AZ

HM Abdul (pictured) presented his MSc capstone research project at the iSchool's iShowcase event at the Marriot in the UA campus. more
Spring iShowcase Tucson, AZ

Ani Chitransh (pictured) presented her MSc capstone research project at the iSchool's iShowcase event at the Marriot in the UA campus. more
Spring Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) conference Phoenix, AZ

Jiayue He (pictured 3rd from the left) attended the 2024 Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration conference. The SME Annual Conference & Expo is widely recognized as the most distinguished forum for the publication of multidisciplinary mining research. more
Fall 2024 NSF RCN on Urban EcoEvo Seattle, Washington

Dr. Román-Palacios attended the Urban Eco-Evol and Nature-based solution workshop hosted by Dr. Marina Alberti at the University of Washington more
Fall 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference Cali, Colombia

Our PI, Cristian attended the UN-COP16 in Colombia along with Dr. Rachel Gallery and Dr. Jessie Golding from the University of Arizona. You can read more about his experience here. more
Fall 2024 InfoSci and the Arizona Board of Regents Tucson

Paige Cherry, Undergraduate student in the lab, represented the college of Information Science at a special meeting hosted by the Arizona Board of Regents. In her poster, Paige discussed a her perspectives a personal pipeline and representation in the information science world. She also got to highlight the progress her assisting Dr. Kiran Basava. Congrats Paige!! more
Fall 2024 Dr. Basava and Dr. Martinet at the 6th annual Arizona Postdoctoral Research Conference Tucson

Dr. Kristen Martinet and Dr. Kiran Basava (postdocs at the lab) presented their research at the 6th annual Arizona Postdoctoral Research Conference. Dr. Martinet was selected as one of two Best Poster Presentation awardees. Congrats to both Kristen and Kiran for presenting! more


Fall iShowcase Tucson, AZ

Danielle Van Boxel (pictured) presenting her research at the iSchool's iShowcase event at the Marriot in the UA campus (Tucson, AZ). The iShowcase focuses on presenting interactive research and creative projects by iSchool's students. more
Fall Arizona Women's Symposium in Mathematics (AWSiM) Flagstaff, AZ

Danielle Van Boxel (pictured in the very back left-hand corner) attended the Arizona Women's Symposium in Mathematics in Flagstaff, AZ. Danielle was a featured speaker in the conference and was also a research poster presenter. The AWSiM provides a forum for women to share information about their projects with each other and with community members. more
Fall Rep Conference

Dr. Román-Palacios presented BarrioMap along with Mackenzie Waller (Assistant Professor, University of Arizona) and Ariana Cantu (Assistant Professor, University of Washington) more
Fall World Climate Research Programme Open Science

Dr. Román-Palacios presented along with members of Esperanza Community Housing on 'GIS and community health'. more
Fall Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Yi Chien Lee (pictured) was in attendance of the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing in Orlando, Florida. GHC aims to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Career fairs, sessions and poster presentations were all main parts of the event more

Dr. Román-Palacios was the keynote speaker at the 2023 Simposio Estudiantil at INECOL (Xalapa, Mexico) for the Climate Change component of the event. In the photo, organizers and two speakers. more
Spring Faculty Research Blitz Tucson, AZ

Dr. Román-Palacios attended and presented in the iSchool's Spring 2024 Faculty Research Blitz. The Blitz is a fast-paced series of presentations on the latest information-related research, apps publications and more. more


Fall 2022 AfroColombian of the Year

Dr. Román-Palacios was named 'Afro-Colombian' of the Year by the oldest newspaper in Colombia and Fundacion Color de Colombia. Dr. Román-Palacios gave a brief speech, in Spanish. You can check out the whole event in the following link more


Fall 2021 PRE-ICFES pa’l Barrio

Dr. Román-Palacios help put together a fraction of the slides and discussion + recording on Biology, particularly focused on how to understand phylogenetic trees. In Spanish. Link more
Fall 2021 Devolver con Ciencia – que hace un Biologo

Dr. Román-Palacios have a brief talk to high schoolers on his career path, research etc. In Spanish. Link more


Summer 2020 Polyploidy Webinar

Dr. Román-Palacios presented his research on polyploidy at the Polyploidy webinar organized by Michael S. Barker (Checkout his amazing website for more information and videos). Youtube Video more
Fall 2020 Marine Biology short podcast

Dr. Román-Palacios was interviewed very briefly by Dr. Katrina Mangin. In this podcast, he speaks about some of his research and touch upon some general and personal advice on science and academia. Link more
Spring 2020 The Climate Pod

Dr. Wiens and Dr. Román-Palacios discuss our climate change paper with folks at the Climate Pod. '...Then, we are joined by the University of Arizona's Dr. John J. Wiens and Cristian Román-Palacios, who recently published a study that made headlines for its analysis on the potential extinction crisis looming if warming temperatures continue. They explain the major drivers behind extinction patterns and where plant and animal most likely to occur.' Link more


Summer Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Dr. Román-Palacios gave a talk on his PhD research at Universidad del Valle, Colombia. more
Summer Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia

Dr. Román-Palacios gave a talk on his PhD research at Universidad del Quindío, Colombia. more
Spring Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

Dr. Román-Palacios gave a talk on his PhD research at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. Youtube video. more