The Data Diversity Lab
At the University of Arizona
Welcome to our website! We conduct research at the intersection of ecology, evolution, software development, and data science.
Recent news
Stay updated on the latest happenings within the data diversity lab at the University of Arizona.
See all news2025
- Senior Clinical Data Scientist, Heidi Steiner, will be attending and speaking at an upcoming professional development meeting. Thank you Heidi! Read more about Heidi here: Heidi Steiner
- Bioinformatics scientist, Daniel Portik will be attending an upcoming professional development meeting to discuss finding academic career opportunities. Thank you Daniel! Read more about Daniel here: Daniel Portik
- Researcher, Leandro Aristide was able to speak at one of our lab's professional development meetings. Thank you Leandro! Read more about Leandro's research here: Leandro Aristide
- One of our lab members, Kiran Basava, submitted a paper regarding a web application for the Animal Culture Database. Congrats Kiran!
- Kristen Martinet, another one of our lab members, also submitted her paper, "SSARP: An R Package for Easily Creating Species- and Speciation- Area Relationships Using Web Databases". Congrats Kristen! Read more here: Kristen's SSARP Paper
- Our labs PI, Cristian Román-Palacios, recently gave a seminar at the University of Bern in Switzerland, congrats Cristian!
- CAMBIUM (Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation through Biodiversity Informatics edUcation and Mentoring), an NSF grant has officially been launched! Read more here: CAMBIUM Info
- One of our lab members, Yichao Zeng's paper on coevolutionary diversification has recently been published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology as part of a special issue on linking microevolution and macroevolution. Read more here: Yichao's Paper
- The Data Diversity Lab has created a gallery for our members to place photos they wish to share! This gallery is available to view here: DDL Gallery
- One of our postdocs, Kristen Martinet's SSARP paper is now up on bioRxiv. Congratulations Kristen!
In October, NSF RCN on Urban EcoEvo: Dr. Román-Palacios attended the Urban Eco-Evol and Nature-based solution workshop hosted by Dr. Marina Alberti at the University of Washington
United Nations Biodiversity Conference, COP16: Dr. Roman-Palacios attended the The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16) in Cali, Colombia along with UA colleagues Dr. Rachel Gallery (Professor) and Dr. Jessie Golding (Postdoctoral Associate), affiliated to the Lovejoy Center at the University of Arizona
- See more here
Our lab’s PI, Cristian Román-Palacios, had the opportunity to speak on NPR discussing a recently published Science paper about accelerating extinction due to climate change. Cristian provided a powerful insight into the dangers of climate change on our environmental health. Read more on his interview here:
Our PI, Cristian Román-Palacios, wrote a blog relating to COP16 for the Ecological Society of America (ESA) that you can read below
Our MSc capstone student, Erika Kirkpatrick, was nominated and chosen to receive the University of Arizona College of Information Science's Graduate Teaching Award. Congratulations Erika!
We secured Faculty Seed Grant that allows for further support one postdoctoral researcher ($15,000)
The lab helped secure a $3 Million grant for an NSF NRT program CAMBIUM: Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation through Biodiversity Informatics edUcation and Mentoring
We are happy to welcome our various new lab members!
- Pradnya Raut → MS student working on a capstone project
- Isabella Kortiz → student worker in the InfoSci MS advising team
- Delaney Scott-Martin → undergrad student working on our current VIP project
- Erika Kirkpatrick → MS student working on our current VIP project
- Eleanor Tuck → student worker in the InfoSci MS advising team
- Kennedy Gezella → undergrad student worker supporting the lab on the managing side
We secured a ~$100k Level II grant from National Geographic. This grant will enable us to create a Data Science-related teaching program that will be deployed in Colombia during 2025. We will also teach an intro to phylogenetics using phruta using this funding.
We secured funding for our students through NSF’s WAESO ($3000) and the VIP seed grant ($3000).
Dr. Van Boxel, first Ph.D. student in the lab, published her paper "BARMPy: Bayesian additive regression models Python package" in the journal Computational Statistics
A paper led by Dr. Alex Arnold at UCLA was published earlier this semester (Comparative clumped isotope temperature relationships in freshwater carbonates) in the The Depositional Record. Congrats Alex!
Dr. Román attended the Urban Eco Evo RCN meeting held in UWashington and hosted by Dr. Marina Alberti in October, 2024.
Along with the Lovejoy Foundation (i.e. Rachel Gallery and Jessie Golding) at the University of Arizona, Dr. Román attended the UN COP16 in Cali, Colombia
We are sad to say goodbye to one of our amazing lab members…Hector Garcia, our former research laboratory manager. We thank Hector for all his help and dedication to supporting the Data Diversity Lab.
The College of Information Science assigned Harvill 320D to our MS Faculty Team members. We will be using this office to support our students with drop-in meetings and to have the members of our team in a dedicated space.
Concerning, our lab is located in the second floor of Harvill. Recent informal communications have suggested that the only elevator to the entire building will be out for maintenance for at least one semester in Spring 2025. Classes are expected to be scheduled in other buildings across campus. We will potentially experience accessibility-related limitations as part of these alterations...
Dr. Kristen Martinet, one of our postdoctoral researchers, was selected as one of only two presenters to win the Best Poster Presentation award! This was for her poster presented at the Arizona Postdoctoral Research Conference this September. Congratulations to Kristen!
- Linked here is further information about her award:
- A new postdoc joins the lab! We welcome Kristen Martinet!
- Former PhD student in the lab, now Dr. Van Boxel had a paper published in Springer's Computational Statistics journal!
- An NSF-NRT (Research Traineeship) grant in which Dr. Román-Palacios will collaborate as personnel has been approved for funding!
- A new undergrad has joined the lab. We welcome Paige Cherry!
- Postdoc Ian Estacio has joined the lab. Welcome Ian!
- Two new papers where Dr. Roman collaborated in have been published in Ecology and Evolution and the ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences journals!
- Our postdoc Kiran started leading team collaboration data collection efforts for a project based on cultural behavior in animals
- Dr. Roman gave a talk to the 2024 student cohort of The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project!
- MD Nafis Ul Alam (Michael) just joined the lab as a co-advised (w/ Rod Wing) PhD student
We congratulate our graduating lab members: Danielle Van Boxel, Ani Chitransh, Shih-Hsuan Lo, Jiayue He, Tom Olla, Rob Speer & Gloria Moraa Angwenyi! We will miss you. Keep in touch!
All of our lab members got together to collaborate on potentially publishable materials during our organized lab retreat/workshop! Research, lunch and fun!
HM Abdul and Ani Chitransh represented the Data Diversity Lab by presenting their capstone research in this semester's iShowcase event!
PhD candidate Jhan C.Salazar flies from St. Louis to visit the lab for a week of collaboration! We welcome you back Jhan!
Our first postdoc has joined the lab, we welcome Kiran Basava!
Danielle defended her PhD dissertation and passed with flying colors! Congratulations Danielle!
Our application to the Vertically Integrated Projects program was accepted and funded with a $3500 seed grant!
We have a new lab website!!!
Shih-Hsuan took professional headshot photos for the whole lab this semester. Thank you Shih-Hsuan.
A research paper from the lab has been shortlisted for the 2023 Robert May Prize. The prize is awarded each year for the best paper in the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Blog post:
The lab has applied to the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) initiative and will aim to form a team of undergrads to introduce to research in Fall 2024
Our lab space has become fully functional, we welcome all our lab members on campus to use our facilities as much as possible.
A lab retreat is planned during the semester, will be discussing research and future work plans.
We welcome our new lab members for the spring semester:
- Graduate students: Abdul HM Fattah, Shih-Hsuan Lo, Jiayue He, Ani Chitransh & Tom Olla .
- Research Data Support Specialist: Tanisha Lohchab.