The Data Diversity Lab

At the University of Arizona

Welcome to our website! We conduct research at the intersection of ecology, evolution, software development, and data science.

Research We use data science to solve questions in evolutionary biology, ecology, climate change, and related fields. We invite collaboration with students and researchers passionate about leveraging large datasets to answer questions in biology and beyond.
Teaching We focus on instructing general skills—critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis—applicable to diverse careers. With key principles like question-driven learning and real-world applications, we encourage students to ask questions and apply methods that transcend academia.
Our Values At the heart of our lab is the concept of data diversity, symbolizing our commitment to using information from diverse origins. We embrace inclusivity and support diversity initiatives within academia, fostering an environment where varied perspectives drive novel contributions.
Leadership The Data Diversity lab is led by Dr. Cristian Román-Palacios, assistant professor at the school of information at the University of Arizona. His research interests often relate to phylogenetics, systematics, conservation biology, and the effects of climate change on biodiversity at different scales.

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